Questions? We're glad you asked
Here's some more info on how our eval passing and PA (funded account / Express account) trading service works. Have a more specific question? Feel free to get in touch.
You are paying $300 ($50 + $250) for one (1) $50k eval passed and PA traded (Topstep preferred) that uses Tradovate as the platform to be traded by us. You are responsible for the Eval and PA activation fees paid to the prop firm, the $300 covers our work to pass your eval and trade your account. If we cannot get you to where you'd be able to take a payout (withdrawal) or the account gets blown the $250 will be refunded to you. Your $50 eval passing fee will not be refunded.
As we've developed our trading skills and figured out how to make money trading SIM accounts at prop firms we've realized that it's hard to not only pass an eval but to also trade a PA account and actually get a payout.
For now we'll only be able to pass evals and trade PAs on Tradovate based prop firms.
Of course! Feel free to contact us via the form below or join our Discord to talk to @StanzieBenz and @DoubleDips
We're starting with $50k and lower accounts. We'll add higher accounts as this service grows.
In a nutshell, you'll send us your login and password as well as specifying the specific account ID that you need us to trade for you. We'll follow the rules of that particular prop firm and we'll pass your eval and get to a payout or refund the $250. Your $50 eval passing fee will not be refunded.
If we blow your account once he eval is passed we'll refund you your $250.
We recommend TopStep.
Have any questions before you sign up with us?
Fill out the form and we'll contact you back as quickly as possible!